OperationManual Top [Account]
1 Estimation/Order Displays the order/estimate screen.
2 History Displays the order/estimate history.
3 Help Displays an explanation of operations.
4 Log Off Logs you off.
5 Representative mail address Enter the e-mail address of the representative.
6 Responsible person Enter the name of the person in charge.
7 Division name Enter the division name.
8 Mail address Enter the e-mail address of the person in charge.
9 ZIP code Enter the ZIP code.
10 Telephone number Enter the telephone number.
11 Fax number Enter the fax number.
12 Order confirmation mail Select this check box in order to receive an order confirmation e-mail.
13 History preservation period Specify the period of time that the history information will be retained.
14 New password If you are changing your password, enter your new password here.
15 Confirmation password If you are changing your password, enter your new password again to confirm it.
16 Reset Undoes any changes you have made to data in 5 to 15 above.
17 Update Saves the changes you have made to the data in 5 to 15 above.
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