1 |
Estimation/Order |
Displays the order/estimate screen. |
2 |
History |
Displays the order/estimate history. |
3 |
Help |
Displays an explanation of operations. |
4 |
Log Off |
Logs you off. |
5 |
Representative mail address |
Enter the e-mail address of the representative. |
6 |
Responsible person |
Enter the name of the person in charge. |
7 |
Division name |
Enter the division name. |
8 |
Mail address |
Enter the e-mail address of the person in charge. |
9 |
ZIP code |
Enter the ZIP code. |
10 |
Telephone number |
Enter the telephone number. |
11 |
Fax number |
Enter the fax number. |
12 |
Order confirmation mail |
Select this check box in order to receive an order confirmation
e-mail. |
13 |
History preservation period |
Specify the period of time that the history information
will be retained. |
14 |
New password |
If you are changing your password, enter your new password here. |
15 |
Confirmation password |
If you are changing your password, enter your new password
again to confirm it. |
16 |
Reset |
Undoes any changes you have made to data in 5 to 15 above. |
17 |
Update |
Saves the changes you have made to the data in 5 to 15
above. |