1 |
Estimation/Order |
Displays the order/estimate screen. |
2 |
Account |
Displays information on the logged in account. |
3 |
Help |
Displays an explanation of operations. |
4 |
Log Off |
Logs you off. |
5 |
Details |
Choose one of the options (Order or Estimation). |
6 |
Request Date |
Enter the date when the order was placed or the estimate
was made (input format: YYYYMMDD). |
7 |
Calender |
Displays a calendar. |
8 |
Estimated date of the shipment |
Enter the estimated shipping date (input format: YYYYMMDD). |
9 |
Inquiry Number |
Enter the inquiry number. |
10 |
End User |
Enter the name of the end user. |
11 |
User Label No1 |
Enter user label No. 1. |
12 |
User Label No2 |
Enter user label No. 2. |
13 |
User Label No3 |
Enter user label No. 3. |
14 |
PartNo |
Enter the part number. |
15 |
Object Details |
Choose one of the options (Enrollee or Company). |
16 |
Display Method |
Choose one of the options (Total List or Detailed
List). |
17 |
Priority Key 1 |
Specify the first field to sort the displayed results
by. |
18 |
Priority Key 2 |
Specify the second field to
sort the displayed results by. |
19 |
Priority Key 3 |
Specify the third field to sort the displayed results
by. |
20 |
Descending/Ascending |
Choose the sort order (Descending or Ascending)
for this field. |
21 |
Descending/Ascending |
Choose the sort order (Descending or Ascending)
for this field. |
22 |
Descending/Ascending |
Choose the sort order (Descending or Ascending)
for this field. |
23 |
Results per page |
Specify the number of lines to display for each page of
results. |
24 |
Search Start |
Starts the search based on the
conditions 5 to 23. |