1 |
History |
Displays the order/estimate history. |
2 |
Account |
Displays information on the logged in account. |
3 |
Help |
Displays an explanation of operations. |
4 |
Log Off |
Logs you off. |
5 |
Add Pattern |
Registers a pattern. |
6 |
Edit Pattern |
Enables you to edit the patterns selected
using the Option box (8). |
7 |
Delete Pattern |
Pattern: Removes the patterns selected using the Option
box (8). |
8 |
Option |
Select the patterns to be used. |
9 |
Choose the patterns to be used by default. |
10 |
Title line |
Specify the number of lines required for the title. |
11 |
Browse |
Enables you to browse for CSV files to upload. |
12 |
Back |
Takes you back to the previous screen. |
13 |
Next |
Takes you to the screen for entering order information. |