1 |
History |
Displays the order/estimate
history. |
2 |
Account |
Displays information on the logged in account.
3 |
Help |
Displays an explanation of operations. |
4 |
Log Off |
Logs you off. |
5 |
CSV Upload |
Displays the CSV Upload screen. |
6 |
Copy And Paste |
Displays the Copy and Paste
screen. |
7 |
Next |
Takes you to the next page. |
8 |
Delivery |
Enter the name of the customer
to whom products will be delivered (required). |
9 |
Responsible person |
Enter the name of the person
in charge of delivery. |
10 |
Order No |
Enter the order number. |
11 |
End User |
Enter the name of the end user. |
12 |
PartNo |
Enter the product code (required). |
13 |
Quantity |
Enter the order quantity (required). |
14 |
Quick |
Specify whether quick delivery is required or not. |
15 |
User Label No1 |
Enter user label No. 1. |
16 |
User Label No2 |
Enter user label No. 2. |
17 |
User Label No3 |
Enter user label No. 3. |
18 |
Check |
Select order lists for one of the following operations
by selecting the appropriate check boxes: Delete (22), Copy (21) and batch correction
(25 to 33). |
19 |
Select all |
Select the check boxes (18) of all order lists. |
20 |
Cancel |
Clears the check boxes (18) of all order lists. |
21 |
Copy |
Copies the order lists whose check boxes (18) have been
selected. |
22 |
Delete |
Removes the order lists whose check boxes (18) have been
selected. |
23 |
DropDownList |
Specifies the number of lines to be added when add a line
(24) is clicked. |
24 |
add a line |
Adds the number of lines shown in the DropDownList
box (23). |
25 |
User Label No1 |
Enter user label No. 1. When the Update (33) operation
is executed, the selected user labels No. 1 (15) in
the order lists (18) are replaced by the character string entered in this box. *Clear the Clean check box (29) in order to make
changes to the character string. |
26 |
User Label No2 |
Enter user label No. 2. When the Update (33) operation
is executed, the selected user labels No. 2 (16) in
the order lists (18) are replaced by the character string entered in this box. *Clear
the Clean check box (30) to make changes to the character string. |
27 |
User Label No3 |
Enter user label No. 3. When the Update (33) operation
is executed, the selected user labels No. 3 (17) in
the order lists (18) are replaced by the character string entered in this box. *Clear
the Clean check box (31) to make changes to the character string. |
28 |
Quick |
Chooses the quick delivery option. When the Update
(33) operation is executed, the Quick option (14) in the selected order lists
(18) are replaced by the character entered in this box. * Remove the check mark
in the Clean check box (32) to make changes to the character. |
29 |
Clean |
When the Update (33) operation is executed
with this check box selected, the user labels No. 1 (15) in the selected
order lists (18) are removed. |
30 |
Clean |
When the Update (33) operation is executed with
this check box selected, the user labels No. 2 (16) in the selected order lists
(18) are removed. |
31 |
Clean |
When the Update (33) operation is executed with
this check box selected, the user labels No. 3 (17) in the selected order lists
(18) are removed. |
32 |
Clean |
When the Update (33) operation is executed with
this check box selected, the Quick option is removed (14) from the selected order
lists (18). |
33 |
Update |
Updates the data to reflect the batch correction operations
that have been made (25 to 32). |